Reports and Briefings

Escalating violations in Syria’s Afrin

A year after the region was hit by a devastating earthquake, the human rights situation in Afrin in Turkish-occupied Syria is deteriorating further, finds a new submission to the UN Commission of Inquiry on Syria by Ceasefire Centre for Civilian Rights and YASA Kurdish Center for Studies and Legal Consultancy.

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UK war powers convention now devoid of content: New report

The constitutional Convention requiring Parliament to be consulted if the UK goes to war has now been emptied of any substantive content, argues a new report published by the Ceasefire Centre for Civilian Rights. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s decision in January 2024 to commence ongoing airstrikes against Ansar Allah (‘the Houthis’) in Yemen without a

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Iraq: Rise in family-based violence against women linked to conflict

An increase in domestic violence against women is closely linked to the legacy of conflict in Iraq, finds a new report by Ceasefire Centre for Civilian Rights. As a result of conflict violence, women and girls experienced higher rates of physical, emotional and sexual abuse at the hands of their partners – including killings in

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Reparations for Ukraine: An international route map

To bring justice to Ukraine’s civilians and enable them to rebuild their lives will require reparations. But while firm progress has been made on instituting war crimes investigations following the Russian invasion, international planning for the delivery of reparations has lagged behind, finds a major new report by Ceasefire Centre for Civilian Rights.

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In Iraq’s disputed territories, militias dictate civilians’ lives

In Iraq’s disputed territories, government-funded militias are having a destructive impact on governance, economic life, and community relations, according to a report released today by the Ceasefire Centre for Civilian Rights. The dominance of these militias is acting as a major barrier to the return of civilians displaced by the conflict with ISIS, especially members

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باسم الحماية: الأقليات والهوية في النزاع السوري

لطالما وقعت الأقليات الدينية السورية في صميم حربٍ من السرديات السياسية. فلقد صورت الحكومة التي يقودها الأسد على وجه الخصوص نفسها على أنها “حامية للأقليات” كأحد المبررات لاستمرار قبضتها على السلطة. ومن خلال الترويج لرواية الحماية هذه، قامت الحكومة باستمالة الأقليات الدينية السورية من جهة، بغض النظر عن آرائهم السياسية الخاصة، وشيطنة الملايين من المتظاهرين

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UK compensation bill for civilian harm in Iraq and Afghanistan reaches £32m

The compensation bill for civilians harmed in UK military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan has now reached £32 million, according to a new report by Ceasefire Centre for Civilian Rights. During the last year the Ministry of Defence (MoD) has quietly settled some 417 claims related to Iraq, and 13 related to Afghanistan, to add to thousands already settled.

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