Author name: Sian

UK military accountability: New government should change how it decides to go to war

In 2020, Keir Starmer vowed there would be ‘No more illegal wars’ under his Labour Party leadership. After a landslide election on 4 July, the Ceasefire Centre for Civilian Rights calls on the new prime minister and his government to change how the decision to go to war is made. As it stands, the UK […]

UK military accountability: New government should change how it decides to go to war Read More »

UK war powers convention now devoid of content: New report

The constitutional Convention requiring Parliament to be consulted if the UK goes to war has now been emptied of any substantive content, argues a new report published by the Ceasefire Centre for Civilian Rights. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s decision in January 2024 to commence ongoing airstrikes against Ansar Allah (‘the Houthis’) in Yemen without a

UK war powers convention now devoid of content: New report Read More »

Iraq: Rise in family-based violence against women linked to conflict

An increase in domestic violence against women is closely linked to the legacy of conflict in Iraq, finds a new report by Ceasefire Centre for Civilian Rights. As a result of conflict violence, women and girls experienced higher rates of physical, emotional and sexual abuse at the hands of their partners – including killings in

Iraq: Rise in family-based violence against women linked to conflict Read More »

UK & other states must act to prevent further war crimes in Israel/Palestine

The UK, the US and other states supporting Israel, and those states supporting Hamas, including Iran, must implement their responsibility to ensure respect for international humanitarian law and to prevent further war crimes, said Ceasefire Centre for Civilian Rights on the eve of major escalation in the conflict in Israel/Palestine. ‘Again and again in the

UK & other states must act to prevent further war crimes in Israel/Palestine Read More »

Israel’s justice system shields security forces from accountability – Launch of major new database

The operation of the Israeli justice system is now effectively shielding Israeli Security Forces (ISF) from accountability for civilian harm caused in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT), shows a new map of nearly 500 Israeli court cases published by Ceasefire Centre for Civilian Rights.

Israel’s justice system shields security forces from accountability – Launch of major new database Read More »

Yemen’s cycle of impunity must end: Urgent international action needed for justice and accountability

12 June 2023 Sana’a/London – After nearly a decade of war, civilian victims in Yemen still await justice and accountability for violations of international humanitarian law and human rights law violations and abuses, many of which may amount to international crimes, according to a joint report released today by Mwatana for Human Rights and Ceasefire

Yemen’s cycle of impunity must end: Urgent international action needed for justice and accountability Read More »

Ceasefire’s Iraqi partner addresses UN Security Council on women’s rights

May 2023 Ms Khanim Rahim Latif, Director of Asuda, Ceasefire’s partner NGO in Iraq, briefed the UN Security Council this month on the widespread violence faced by women throughout Iraq, including the targeting of women human rights defenders. Speaking in New York on 18 May to the Security Council under the Swiss presidency, Ms Latif

Ceasefire’s Iraqi partner addresses UN Security Council on women’s rights Read More »

Spring writing competition

Ceasefire Centre for Civilian Rights is delighted to announce our first Spring Writing Competition! The competition involves the submission of a 1,000-word opinion or comment piece on one of the following questions: In what way could a rights-based approach affect the situation of civilians in armed-conflict zones? How is accountability important in situations of armed

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